Thursday, September 18, 2014

CW Op's Mini-CWT Contest - Results!

Map of Stations Worked in the Mini-CWT
Every Wednesday the CW Operators Club has a mini contest called the MINI-CWT.  It runs for one hour - 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm local time here in Kansas.  This time works great for me - kids are in bed, and house chores are complete!

This is the second time I have operated this contest and I had a blast.  Conditions on 20 meters were awful here - I didn't hear one signal on the band except some digital signals.  So I immediately went to 40 meters and stayed there for the duration.

All told I worked 20 stations, for a score of 400 points- all stateside with one except being Canada.  I was really happy with this result!

When I worked the June contest I only worked 6 stations for a total score of 36 points, so I greatly improved tonight!

You can see a map of the locations of the stations I worked during the contest last night.  I created this using a site that I found that is really cool.  It is - and it lets you upload an ADIF file and it maps the locations.

I really enjoy working contests.  Running QRP it gives you the opportunity to work some really good operators that also have excellent antennas.  Everyone I called last night, I worked!

Thanks to all the ops that pulled my signal out - you made it a fun night!

Also be sure and check out my N0HYD YouTube Channel!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, will you do me a favour? I would very much appreciate a permanent link on your blog-site.

    Here’s a link to my QRP-website:

    Thank you very much in advance!
