Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Working Ireland on a special day...

Today I went to my usual spot in the local park.  I didn't hear a bunch of activity, but I kept tuning up and down the band on 17 meters primarily.

I heard a station calling and working guys contest style.  It took me about 5 times to get the call right, since it was so long and he was sending pretty fast.

The call was EI13CLAN - a special event station in Ireland!  What made this really special is because of this...

My father-in-law passed away suddenly in June - exactly 3 months ago today.  Mike was a very proud Irish Catholic.  He had a trip to Ireland planned for August - which he was never able to take.  Mike had been on my mind all day, and then to work a station in Ireland - WOW!  Mike would have loved hearing this story.  I

It kindof made me wonder if he had a hand in helping my signals fly through the air to Ireland! :)

If you work EI13CLAN enough, you get this special certificate - I will be happy with a QSL card as soon as they update the Clublog so I can order one.

After working EI13CLAN I also worked....

K2WO - On 20 meters I worked George - we were both very weak.  He was in Florida.

K4NMN - Henry was in Virginia Beach - He was 559 and he gave me a 569.  Nice contact!

WA2LOT - On 17 meters I worked Mark.  I was very weak - 449 so that is about all we exchanged.

So that wraps up a pretty special day!  These lunch time sessions are just so much fun - and will even be more so as the weather cools down.

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