Friday, April 1, 2016

March 2016 QRP Operating Wrap-Up

I have had a pretty active month on the radio, so I wanted to record a little recap of the month.

Total QSO's all modes: 82

Total CW QSO's: 41
Total PSK31 QSO's: 41

Total SKCC QSO's: 34
Total SKCC Members: 32
Total SKCC States Worked: 18

I worked a lot of PSK31 early in the month - and you can really get a lot of contacts quickly in that mode.  Plus I can work this mode from my sofa using the iPad and Team Viewer!

If you are just getting started with CW, my only advice is to get an SKCC number and start working this great group of guys.  The sending tends to be slow and enjoyable - and I can see a huge difference in my ability just after a focused month of operating chasing these numbers.

Between the SKCC WES, the Sprint in late April, and portable operations, I hope to have my Centurion by the end of April!


  1. Good morning Burke, very nice log for March and I too have Team Viewer and have found it to be one of the better programs. I use it between my desktop win7 PC and my Mac pro laptop.
    73, Mike

    1. It's nice to be able to be in the same room as my wife and working PSK-31!
